Developing a Governance System

Act 555 requires PHEIs to be managed strictly in accordance with the institutional constitution and the Act. Indeed, it is a requirement of the Act (s. 11) that at the time when an application is made for the establishment of a PHEI, the Minister must be ‘satisfied’ ‘there is established a proper system of governance of the (institution) with a constitution that shall be approved by the Registrar General’. A constitution and a well-structured governance system will help focus the different divisions of the institution and its officers to the objectives of the institution and minimize conflicts in the administration of the institution.

In 2017, Act 555 was amended by the Private Higher Educational Institutions (Amendment) Act 2017. One of the amendments now require PHEIs to adopt the provisions shown in 2 template constitutions, one for universities and the other for colleges. The template constitutions incorporate a governance system that is based on that of public universities in Malaysia.

We provide services to implement the new legislative provisions on the constitution and in designing a governance system that matches the needs of institutions. 

Appointing the Chief Executive

All private higher educational institutions are required to appoint a chief executive whose role and powers are defined by the Act. The peculiar position of the CE requires careful writing of his employment contract to ensure that his duties to different stakeholders are carefully balanced.

Developing a Strategic Plan for the Institution

New and increasing opportunities in higher education may make up for the intense competition and regulation of the sector if institutions plan strategically for the future. We provide strategic planning services to higher educational institutions taking into account all salient information about the institution and the environment that it operates in to help focus the development of the institution, including the marketing processes.

What strategic planning would do as a minimum is to review all the processes of the institution and generate the involvement of all divisions in building a sustainable and financially viable institution. In the process of creating the final document, we shall analyze in detail the business and marketing models of other institutions and the ever-changing legal and policy backdrop. Together with you, we should be able to deliver a comprehensive document to chart the institution’s future and detail the manner in which it shall be carried out.

Developing Marketing Plans and Strategies

We provide expert guidance and advice on this highly specialised area of marketing including the myriad official regulations that control different aspects of marketing education. We are also sensitive to foreign university requirements on advertising and will design marketing strategies to align with different stakeholder needs and limitations.

Student Services and Disciplinary Procedures

Student services and discipline are some of the most audited areas. We develop student regulations for these areas to ensure compliance of laws as well as to enhance student retention and loyalty.