
Training Programmes for the Higher Education Sector

Training Programme for University and College Administrators
As publication in academic journals continues to be the main measure of excellence in institutions of higher education, the pressure on academics to ...
A One-Day Course on the how Personal Data Protection Principles Affect the Work of Journalista and Writers
Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the Higher Education Sector
Higher education is undergoing changes globally and in Malaysia. In these times, understanding the student-institution relationship will enhance the ...
The Malaysian Consumer Protection Act 1999 (CPA) has radically altered the student-institution relationship in higher education. Debates about ...
Espact's New Course on Privacy & Data Protection Designed for Writers in all Domains of Writing.
Knowledge and Learning in the Age of ChatGPT  
The workshop on the new constitutions examines the prescribed constitutions against the legal nature of private universities and their different ...
A workshop on how the recent amendments to the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996 impact on the administration of private ...
ESPACT Course on MQA Accreditation Documentation
The programme probes institutional and academic autonomy in the public and private sectors of higher education in Malaysia. 
This programme will provide participants with a practical understanding of the laws and regulations highlighting on some of the major pitfalls ...
This programme will provide participants with a good understanding of the laws and regulations that apply and regulate the closing down of colleges ...
This one-day programme provides a general insight into special areas of law that may have an impact on contracts between the institution and its ...
The two-day programme takes participants through the task of drafting the different sets of institutional regulations that are required of private ...
The programme is about developing ideas for a governance structure that will accommodate the expectations of the investor in educational ...
This two-day programme (4 sessions) is designed for senior administrators of higher educational institutions and those who have recently joined the ...
This two-day programme examines the laws relating to the establishment of educational institutions in Malaysia, the legal framework establishing ...
The one day programme deals with the legal obligations placed on the office of the Chief Executive and provides useful guidance on how to minimize ...
This one day training programme addresses some of the most pressing issues in higher education. Plagiarism and copyright are subjects that are still ...
With the increasing number of students embarking on research degrees at the Master’s and Doctoral levels, it is important for universities to ...
Institutional rules and procedures regulating student conduct, discipline and punishment if not properly managed, may result in costly litigation and ...
This programme approaches the topic of student status and rights systematically, exploring the interests of students at the different stages and ...
Selling education requires a skill set different from that needed in the sale of other services. Espact’s two-day course covers not only ...
A seminar to explore the recently publish Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education).