The National Education System & the Classification of Educational Institutions

National Curriculum

Central to the National Education System (NES) is a prescribed curriculum known as the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum prescribed by the Education Act specifies the knowledge, skills and values that are expected to be acquired by pupils at the end of their respective periods of schooling and includes the core subjects as set out in the Schedule to the Act and such other subjects as may be prescribed. All schools in the NES are required to conform to the curriculum and teachers to teach to the prescribed curriculum. Criminal penalties are prescribed for any deviation from the curriculum.


Regulations concerning the national curriculum are found in Education (National Curriculum) Regulations 1997 [P.U. (A) 531/1997]

The above regulations provide a more extensive definition of the National Curriculum as an educational programme that includes curriculum and co-curricular activities which encompasses all the knowledge, skills, norms, values, cultural elements and beliefs to help develop a pupil fully with respect to the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional aspects as well as to inculcate and develop desirable moral values and to transmit knowledge.

Curriculum and co-curricular materials.

The Minister may "determine the appropriate materials for the teaching and learning of the curriculum and co-curricular activities in government and government-aided schools.

Core Subjects in the National Curriculum

The subjects described as core subjects in the National Curriculum are defined by the Education Act 1996 the subjects that form the fundamental basis of the education of a pupil in all schools within the NES. The core subjects as enacted are, for the Primary level;

  1. the National Language;
  2. the English Language;
  3. the Chinese Language, for pupils in national-type schools (Chinese);
  4. the Tamil Language, for pupils in national-type schools (Tamil);
  5. Mathematics;
  6. Science;
  7. Local Studies;
  8. Islamic Education, for pupils professing the religion of Islam; and
  9. Moral Education, for pupils not professing the religion of Islam.

The core subjects at the Secondary level are;

  1. the National Language;
  2. the English Language;
  3. Mathematics;
  4. Science;
  5. History;
  6. Islamic Education, for pupils professing the religion of Islam; and
  7. Moral Education, for pupils not professing the religion of Islam.